Wandering Yeti SpeaksWandering Yeti Speaks - LiveJournal.com4 Portlanders of the Apocalypse- May 22, 2008 I just went down to 820 se alder st. to check out skeletoncrew's latest exhibit theFour Portlanders of the Apocalypse. I wasn't surprised that skeletoncrew's work was both well made and conceptually interesting but I was surprised that I liked just about everything I saw at the show. Oh btw, I think the 4 Portlanders need their own show so they can be set up like a temple to properly ground the energy of the apocalypse depicted in the art ;-)So yeah, it just makes me think I picked the wrong...http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/405109.html Les Photos and getting by for the summer- May 21, 2008 PSU's incredibly limited summer schedule this year didn't have any relevant art classes in painting or drawing nor art history so I just registered for a class in color photography and another in photoshop for photography. This isn't relevant for my degree, but I should be able to learn a lot of useful stuff for promoting my art on the internet and designing art for my audio recordings. Also learning to photograph my own art will save me a bundle in the long run and give me another skill with...http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/404832.html lyrics from Panagaperos side 1: Solve- May 21, 2008 Schitzified lyrics by Wandering Yeti and Sarah Cosman...http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/404603.html Rock Vocals Return to Ascension Conspiracy- May 20, 2008 Thanks to my friend Sarah Cosman a solid vocal line is almost manifest for Schitzified, the first non ambient vocal I've recorded since the late 90's. I ended up chopping and re-arranging most of what she wrote, but her lyric ideas were instrumental in opening my lyric writing mode. I got lyrics for the entire next song, Psionic Nebulae just from one lyrical image Sarah wrote for Schitzified. Ok this post is cut short cause the blog editor is putting red "you spelled this word wrong" lines...http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/404177.html |