Wandering Yeti SpeaksWandering Yeti Speaks - LiveJournal.comYetiland- June 24, 2008 Yeti miss yoga twice in a row. First sick and snotty while crazy psy trance weekend caught up. Yesterday just too tired, want to lay around after walk all the way to school and home and not eat much cause where's the time for food Finally got to the store for things I don't have to cook cause otherwise I won't eat this week. Morning class 5 days per week for only one week at a time doesn't give me time to readjust so I can wake up in just enough time to grab something and go. well, here I am...http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/411496.html Camera- June 21, 2008 So I got my new camera mere hours after Mercury turned direct and yesterday got green Gorilla Pod and the 8gb memory card necessary to do much experimenting without having to bring Tahuti along just to dump photos off every 57megs. So I tried to photograph a shiny oil painting and couldn't get a shot without glare with the lights and outside light as it's currently set up. I tried outside, inside with various lights on and off in various positions and locations to no avail. This is probably as..http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/411274.html Sun Stand Still- June 21, 2008 Solstice time and Sol is hangin' out on the tropic of Cancer. That means the longest days of the year for the north. That also means a new year of Ascension Conspiracy seasonal podcasts has begun. The Rock is back! After a long struggle to regain lost skills and learn a bunch of new ones at the same time after I got a computer I've finally managed to compose a few songs as opposed to soundscapes. There's a video too. Soon it will be time to form a band. Happy solstice.http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/411062.html Burn Out- June 15, 2008 Capricorn is Sagittarius fuel. ouch. good to be home.http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/410294.html Articles of Impeachment- June 12, 2008 Thanks to contentlove for posting them in such easily cut and pastable format. Here's a new video. Bon appetit. Music is American Dreamtime: 7 (years of9)11 by Ascension Conspiracy.http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/410098.html Impeach! Now!- June 11, 2008 Article by first congress person to support Kucinich here. Beautiful video of Saint Dennis reading part of the long list of high crimes and misdemeanors perpetrated by the Bush mafia here. (scroll down for video). The national media owned by Rupert Murdoch is going to ignore this so it's up to us to bug our congresscritters and encourage them to support Kucinich. I decided to use the oracle of Astrology and look at the transits to the Sept 11th chart now and into December. Retrograde Mercury is.http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/409628.html Cameras- June 10, 2008 I need to find a digital camera that is not attached to my computer to continue my video experiments. I have to be so careful of moving Tahuti when his hard disk is spinning that my possible shots are horrible limited. Well, that and the resolution of the isight camera isn't really hot. It's perfect for web video, but gets grainy if you watch it on full screen. I also need to capture stills so that I can photograph paintings with high enough resolution to make poster sized prints. I don't want..http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/409516.html Water in the Desert- June 9, 2008 My short film Citywood will be showing at the Water in the Desert Festival saturday july 26th at Peninsula Park in No Po. Festival starts at 2pm and goes all day. Yay! This is my very first video screening and I've barely started with video as one of my art forms. So does anyone know if my intel macbook from 2006 can run Final Cut Express It says something about not working with integrated intel video cards but I don't really know anything about video since I've been mostly about audio. I'm...http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/409219.html That was easy- June 4, 2008 Japanese art history exam and paper done. Now it's just 2 art critiques and bring home my paintings and art supplies. I was all worried about exam cause I got so into music and drawing for my other project that I kept missing open hours at the library. I don't buy art history textbooks cause it's just a waste of money to drop $200 bucks on books I can only sell back for $50 or so. So today the textbook was checked out so I only got an hour to study. Well, the exam was mostly write an essay on...http://agaperos77.livejournal.com/408154.html |