Veronica Guerin NewsNews on Veronica Guerin continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Blanchett to Direct Year of Magical Thinking and Star in War of the Roses in Sydney- October 17, 2007 "Notes on a Scandal"; her recent film credits include "The Good German" Cate Blanchett will direct The Year of Magical Thinking and star in a two-part The War of the Roses at the Sydney Theatre Company. via Playbill Drama Queen- October 7, 2007 "Things have begun. Andrew's been there all year as an artistic associate and I've been coming and going. Obviously, it takes a long time and there's some deep-time projects which we've begun to set up already." Drama Queen LEGANTLY poised, Australian Oscar-winner Cate Blanchett would rather be anywhere but a Beverly Hills hotel holding court with the press. via Living |