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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for June 2008

Entry Number 01625 - June 30, 2008

30 JUNE 2008, MONDAY, DUSSELDORF, GERMANY The Technical University of Munich Right-Wing Schooling for Germanys Children: and Germanys Government Stands Idly By 10 Professor Guenther Frankenberg, law expert: The reason the neo-Nazi HDJ has so much self-confidence is that nothing ever happens, no matter what the government says. Uniforms are declared illegal, but they wear ...

Entry Number 01624 - June 27, 2008

27 JUNE 2008, FRIDAY, DUSSELDORF, GERMANY The Technical University of Munich Right-Wing Schooling for Germanys Children: and Germanys Government Stands Idly By 9 The HDJ is becoming increasingly self-confident and it is arming itself. These pictures show a paramilitary camp that the HDJ has helped to organize in Germany. In spite of everything the ...

Entry Number 01623 - June 26, 2008

26 JUNE 2008, THURSDAY, DUSSELDORF, GERMANY The Technical University of Munich Right-Wing Schooling for Germanys Children: and Germanys Government Stands Idly By 8 Ralph Tegethoff, neo-Nazi: The HDJ, German Youth, Loyal to the Homeland, has chosen a proud motto for meeting contemporary issues: Respect the past, take control of the present, and fight for the ...

Entry Number 01622 - June 25, 2008

25 JUNE 2008, WEDNESDAY, DUSSELDORF, GERMANY The Technical University of Munich Right-Wing Schooling for Germanys Children: and Germanys Government Stands Idly By 7 Walter Schmengler of the Koblenz district attorneys office said, in wonderful German officialese: The knowledge that we have acquired concerning this affair was gained because of inquiries from the press. We initiated ...

Entry Number 01621 - June 24, 2008

24 JUNE 2008, TUESDAY, DUSSELDORF, GERMANY The Technical University of Munich Right-Wing Schooling for Germanys Children: and Germanys Government Stands Idly By 6 Unimpeded by anyone or anything, the children and young people of the neo-Nazi HDJ continue doing what the authorities have forbidden: wearing the uniform of their organization. Recently they were at a ...

Entry Number 01620 - June 23, 2008

23 JUNE 2008, MONDAY, DUSSELDORF, GERMANY The Technical University of Munich Right-Wing Schooling for Germanys Children: and Germanys Government Stands Idly By 5 Niels Annen, Social Democrat, an expert in matters of law and justice: Maybe theres a kind of trauma, because the governments attempts at banning the neo-Nazi NPD failed. You cant exclude the ...
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