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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for June 2008

The Braidy Tester

Helping your team reach their full potential

Myers And Briggs And Their Guinea Pig - June 30, 2008

Some years ago a lady named Briggs,Her daughter Myers, and their guinea pigInto personalities started to digAnd found explanations they believed were quite big. They wrote up their findings and collapsed them intoA Type Indicator instrument meant to let youDetermine your type preference and those of your crewTo help you understand them, whatever they do. Misses Myers and Briggs came up with four waysTo look at all people and how they behave,Their view of the world, and what things they crave.So.

Types And Styles And Body Parts, Oh My - June 27, 2008

MBTI describes how I interact with the world.NLP explains why I write and do not make murals.A & P claims to know why I am a boy not a girl.And... What's that I've set your brain a-whirl How to decipher this alphabet soupHow to apply it to you and your group  How to do this yet not make your brain troopHome to its sofa, completely pooped I will explain this alphabet soup,And how to apply it to all in your group.When I finish your brain may spin in a loop!Or it may be dancing and...

One Fish, Two Fish, Sensing Fish, Intuitive Fish - June 25, 2008

The more I learn about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the more I understand about how my brain works and why I do the things I do. The more I apply MBTI and NLP to other people, the more effective my interactions with those other people become. Of all the understanding-people systems I have investigated, MBTI and NLP have proven most helpful. (MBTI and NLP say InTj and Auditory Digital, respectively, describes how I see my world.) I grew up on...

Conversationally Communing - June 18, 2008

Maria writes: This is my first time as a tester...let me tell you I'm happy with this, but is really difficult to deal with the feelings of the developers who takes the bugs as personal (well, they are responsible for it, but is not a hurt feeling thing, is it). If you have ever interacted with someone else, I imagine you have found yourself in a similar predicament. I know I have! I make some trivial comment, or ask some trivial question, and the person with whom I am talking blows up at...

Why Why Why Why Why - June 4, 2008

"Why did you miss that" I imagine you have heard that question more than once, regardless of whether you test, write code, manage a project, or run a company. Something unexpected happens and now the powers-that-be want to know how you could possibly not find so obvious a bug, or forget to handle so obvious a case, or neglect to account for so obvious a project risk, or fail to consider so obvious a business issue. Most software today is so complex that finding every last defect is effectively..

Tester Center Tester Spotlight: Rob Straavaldson - June 2, 2008

Check out my Tester Spotlight interview with Rob Straavaldson over on Tester Center!
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