Wappingers Falls NewsLocal news for Wappingers Falls, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Rising oil prices causing ripple effect- May 30, 2008 Like a machine that squeaks because it doesn't have enough oil to lubricate it, the household economy grows noisier by the week with new squeaks.http://www.topix.net/city/wappingers-falls-ny/2008/05/rising-oil-prices-causing-ripple-eff... Wappinger events start with 9 a.m. parade- May 27, 2008 WAPPINGERS FALLS - There are a number of Memorial Day events today in the Town of Wappinger: 9 a.m. Parade from Wappingers Rural Cemetery to St.http://www.topix.net/city/wappingers-falls-ny/2008/05/wappinger-events-start-with-9-a-m-pa... |