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The HR Blog

News and Links for HR professionals from BostonWorks and the Boston Globe

Get a Google Internship and Fame Follows.... - May 14, 2008

Google, the category-killer-always-ranked-a-best-employer company is running a contest for the best doodle (art) for their logo and special days. One of the links from the contest page is about The Original Doodler, Dennis Hwang. From the interview: "How did you get such a cool job that meshes computers and art I had an internship with Google in college. I was given the task of helping with maintenance of the website and I soon became an assistant webmaster. Before I joined Google, the..

Millennials, Work Life Balance and Technology - May 5, 2008

One of the great things that came up at BU's Recruiting Roundtable is work-life balance. One of the points I made is in the difference between millennials and other generations in terms of work-life balance. For Xers and boomers, work-life balance is a 'sane' ratio of time spent at work versus not at work. Millennials, on the other hand, perceive work-life balance very differently--often by how much of their lives they can live at work. To wit, this interesting information reported on the.

Party like it's 1964 - May 2, 2008

Ellen Goodman does a great job of capturing the pathetic treatment of Lilly Ledbetter and the rest of our gender when it comes to wage equality in today's Boston Globe:The idea that the wage gap might be because of, um, sex discrimination seems soooo 20th century. In fact, the Supreme Court implied that Lilly Ledbetter's lower paycheck was her own fault because she didn't start investigating her employer for sex discrimination as soon as she started her job. As for the conductor of the...
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