The Not So Daily Crap [TNSDC][TNSDC] Linkdumping till it hurts.(web)art : http:photography.nationalgeographic.comphotographyphotosschools-fishorange-basslets-photography.html- April 14, 2008 Gorgeous Pics of Schools of Fish. Barracudas, Eel, Butterfly. Some of pics, when enlarged, produce beautiful, near kaleidoscopic art-like images. Nice stuff. Pics shot all over world. funny : http:www.filedropper.comimagesfunnykid.php- April 14, 2008 Is it bad to be 14 years old! newsfacts : http:well.blogs.nytimes.com20080409faces-of-life-and-deathindex.htmlex=1365480000&en=0bd8129a7b38e48c- April 10, 2008 The faces of hospice patients before and after death are captured in a stirring art exhibit that opens in London this week. The collection of photographs is by German photographer Walter Schels, 72. They are accompanied by vivid and poignant interviews that his partner, Beate Lakotta, recorded with the portrait subjects in the final days of their lives. (web)art : http:www.shareapic.netcontent.phpgid=300122&owner=radavi- April 10, 2008 Weer een leuk projectje van de jongens in Dubai: het nabouw van Venetie (web)art : http:divinecaroline.comarticle2413347318- April 7, 2008 Sometimes a simple object shown in a different light can completely change its meaning. Bulgarian designer Svilen Dimchevski, 27, created a fantastic series of photos and meanings based on a simple orange peel other : April 7, 2008 Rubber fist, slightly used |