The Not So Daily Crap [TNSDC][TNSDC] Linkdumping till it hurts.newsfacts : May 26, 2008 Een 26-jarige automobilist uit Hoorn moest zondagavond zijn rijbewijs inleveren nadat hij met kindjes op zijn achterbank een straatrace had gehouden in Almere. Dat maakte de politie maandag bekend. nsfw : http:icanhaslolpron.comsiteindex.php- May 25, 2008 Na de welbekende icanhazcheezburger met de fijne lolcats, nu tijd voor iets zonder dieren en meer nsfw: icanhaslolporn (web)art : http:www.shareapic.netcontent.phpgid=338729&owner=radavi- May 22, 2008 Winter pictures other : http:www.weirdasianews.com20080517upskirt-photography-101- May 20, 2008 Asia has long been known for its love of two things: Gadgets, such as cameras, and Sex. You can find a camera attached to almost anything that has a battery and Sex I dont think I even need to go there. In the picture below, both attributes are expressed to their fullest extent. Welcome to class students Its Asian Photography 101: Catching the Upskirt. funny : May 20, 2008 Kama Sutra for IT people funny : http:img176.imageshack.usimg1765364catlt7.jpg- May 20, 2008 Very happy cat (web)art : May 12, 2008 Iceberg: straight ahead! (web)art : May 11, 2008 Baby en papa, maar dan de hoofden andersom |