About Freelance WritingFreelance WritingThanks! Job Lists Are Fixed- June 23, 2008 Freelance writing job lists 4 and 5 weren't rendering correctly for some broswers because I'd forgot to close a couple of tags. Thanks for letting me know, and please enjoy!...http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/2008/06/23/thanks-job-lists-are-fixed.htm Thomas the Tank Engine Adapter Passes, Thomas Mitton Dies at 69- June 22, 2008 I just found out from my Writers Write RSS feed that the man who adpated (and therby made famous) the Thomas the Tank Engine brand died today. That's pretty sad....http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/2008/06/22/thomas-the-tank-engine-adapter-passes-thomas-... The Freelance Writing Jobs List Are Done- June 21, 2008 I am going to be so happy to move on to a new subject! I have a short attention span, which is one of the reasons that freelance writing fits...http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/2008/06/21/the-freelance-writing-jobs-list-are-done.htm Writing for Pennies- June 18, 2008 I got some flak about last week's job list. One of the editors at one of the listed jobs was not happy that I had recommended his site only for...http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/2008/06/18/writing-for-pennies.htm More Freelance Writing Jobs!- June 15, 2008 Ta-DA! Here's is the third list in what will be a series of 5 listings of places to find freelance writing jobs. Honestly, I'd like to list all of these...http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/2008/06/15/more-freelance-writing-jobs.htm Call Me Lazy, But I Love My Home- June 13, 2008 After two weeks in New York City (both work and pleasure), I am quite happy to be back home. A lot of this stems from the fact that I'm back...http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/2008/06/13/call-me-lazy-but-i-love-my-home.htm What's the Very First Step- June 8, 2008 Here's a question I get almost daily: What's the first thing I need to do Whether you're looking to freelance full time, or just want to see your name in...http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/2008/06/08/whats-the-very-first-step.htm Be Sure To Take Notes!- June 6, 2008 Remember that friendly, helpful professor that would pretty much tell you to "write this down" because "it's going to be on the test" His voice is in my head. As...http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/2008/06/06/be-sure-to-take-notes.htm New 1 Question: "Where is the list of 101 freelance writing jobs"- June 1, 2008 Happy Weekend Freelance Writers. Yes, yes, and yes I DO want to share 101 places to find freelance writing jobs with you- I really do. I know from your emails...http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/2008/06/01/new-1-question-where-is-the-list-of-101-freel... |