Wailua NewsLocal news for Wailua, HI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Kona stays on top, targets mainland- June 29, 2008 CINDY ELLEN RUSSELL CRUSSELLSTARBULLETIN.COM Mattson Davis, president and CEO of Kona Brewing Co., pours a pint at the company's Hawaii Kai brewery, which opened in December 2003.http://www.topix.net/city/wailua-hi/2008/06/kona-stays-on-top-targets-mainland?fromrss=1 Lingle promises help for Kaua'i- June 18, 2008 LIHU'E, Kaua'i - Gov. Linda Lingle asked Kaua'i businesses to invest in their employees and pledged the state will spend more on public works projects to help ease the impact of the current economic slowdown.http://www.topix.net/city/wailua-hi/2008/06/lingle-promises-help-for-kauai?fromrss=1 Conference set on Kauai for caregivers of elderly- June 13, 2008 WAILUA, Kauai - Anyone who serves as a caregiver for a senior is invited to attend the Annual Caregivers Conference scheduled for 8 a.m. to noon June 17 at the Aloha Beach Resort Ali'i Room.http://www.topix.net/city/wailua-hi/2008/06/conference-set-on-kauai-for-caregivers-of-elde... More of this story- June 11, 2008 Some 20,000 pounds of compostable waste was separated from a total of 28,000 pounds of garbage generated at the Taste of Hawai'i event June 1 at Smith's Tropical Paradise in Wailua.http://www.topix.net/city/wailua-hi/2008/06/more-of-this-story-4?fromrss=1 Still unopposed, Hooser gets more endorsements- June 9, 2008 Wailua resident Gary Hooser recently received a triple dose of support in his campaign for re-election as the sole state senator representing Kaua'i and Ni'ihau. The Hawai'i Carpenters Union and the Hawai'i ...http://www.topix.net/city/wailua-hi/2008/06/still-unopposed-hooser-gets-more-endorsements?... More of this story- June 7, 2008 Kaua'i Island Utility Cooperative has recently reached net metering limits for residential and commercial customers.http://www.topix.net/city/wailua-hi/2008/06/more-of-this-story-3?fromrss=1 More of this story- June 3, 2008 One of the largest annual events on Kaua'i has also become the greenest. Almost everything from the cutlery to the cooking oil was either recycled or composted at the 20th anniversary of Taste of Hawai'i ...http://www.topix.net/city/wailua-hi/2008/06/more-of-this-story-2?fromrss=1 More of this story- June 1, 2008 Wailua Golf Course patrons may see green fees undergo a heavy hike over the next few years as Kaua'i County officials work with the community to find ways to make the operation self-sufficient. Often touted as ...http://www.topix.net/city/wailua-hi/2008/06/more-of-this-story?fromrss=1 |