Ted Leung on the AirOpen Source, Modern Programming Languages, OS X, Photography, and ...zomg Carl Hewitt has a blog- June 26, 2008 Carl Hewitt, the inventor of the Actor model has a blog.http://www.sauria.com/blog/2008/06/26/zomg-carl-hewitt-has-a-blog/ What I am hoping for at WWDC- June 6, 2008 1. 3G iPhone with hardware GPS - I am dying to put my Nokia 6600 to rest 2. An emphasis on stability and performance in 10.6. - 10.5 just seems less reliable than it should. I am having problems with Firewire disks and with the WindowServer freaking out and consuming all available cores. 3. ZFS - my ...http://www.sauria.com/blog/2008/06/06/what-i-am-hoping-for-at-wwdc/ Thoughts on MagLev - VMs for everybody!- June 5, 2008 One of the most visible presentations from last weeks RailsConf was Avi Bryant&8217;s demonstration of MagLev, which is a RubyVM that is based on Gemstone&8217;s S64 VM for Smalltalk. This caused a stir because the micro benchmark performance of MagLev looks really good because S64 has been out in production for a while and because ...http://www.sauria.com/blog/2008/06/05/thoughts-on-maglev-vms-for-everybody/ OS X Scripting- June 4, 2008 John Gruber followed up on Daniel Jalkut&8217;s suggestion that Apple replace AppleScript with Javascript: I agree with this wholeheartedly. Or maybe even make a clean break and scrap OSA and introduce a new system. I&8217;ve been talking up the benefits of scripting apps on the Mac since the 1990&8217;s. The sad fact of it is that Apple ...http://www.sauria.com/blog/2008/06/04/os-x-scripting/ |