SQLDTS.com - SQLIS.comMicrosoft SQL Server Data Transformation Services and SQL Server Integration Services on the web.How to export all tables in a database- February 17, 2004 This is a very short article as it is really a demonstration of concepts explained elsewhere, although quite a useful implementation in it's own right. The export itself is done with the Bulk Export Task, and this is wrapped in a recordset driven loop as covered in the article How to loop through a global variable Rowset. The key to the...http://www.sqldts.com/299.aspx Global Variables and Stored Procedure Parameters- February 16, 2004 Input Parameters. One of the benefits of the SQL Server 2000 is that the SQL tasks support mapping of global variables to parameter placeholders within the SQL. This means you can use the global variable as an input parameter for your stored procedure. . Create a new package, adding a SQL Server connection pointing to the database where you have created the sample stored procedure. Next...http://www.sqldts.com/234.aspx |