People Wanted- June 25, 2008 An job opening and a new social networking feature at The Message Comes in Medium- June 24, 2008 To my surprise, Rumplo is an entertaining good time. Lost in Spacing- June 19, 2008 Presenting design ideas is fraught with distractions. Spacing Is Everything- June 18, 2008 A little spacing could do Gmail a lot of good. The Art of Japanese Books on Art- June 16, 2008 A beautiful &8212; and I mean gorgeous &8212; book about galleries in Tokyo. Investing Strategies for iPhone Customers- June 10, 2008 Spending US&36;599 on an iPhone a year ago turns out to be not a great way to invest my money. Go Speed Racer Go- June 6, 2008 Unexpectedly, the Wachowski Brothers&8217; adaptation of &8220;Speed Racer&8221; turns out to be art. |