TBright's BLOGOne PM floating down the stream. What? Did you expect a rock parting the waters?LayoutManagers and the JLCA- February 22, 2004 One of the new wiz-bang features of the JLCA version 3.0 is support for converting the Swing package to .NET. This numerically performs great, but there is one hole that brings almost every conversion to a screeching halt: Layout Managers. The .NET framework doesn&8217;t currently have a concept of Layout Managers that a Java Programmer would recognize. You can anchor controls which can approximate BorderLayout and FlowLayout is kind-of the default in C but what about the...http://blogs.msdn.com/tbright/archive/2004/02/22/77830.aspx What are JLCA SupportClasses- February 12, 2004 Let&8217;s just say no conversion completes 100%. You can make demos that do, but they are surprisingly challenging to write and normally aren&8217;t very full-featured. So, if every conversion needs a little work afterwards then SupportClasses represent areas where we have done that post-conversion work for you. SupportClasses are C source-code that we have written and include (when needed) in your project within a file called SupportClass.cs (imagine that). This..http://blogs.msdn.com/tbright/archive/2004/02/11/71662.aspx JLCA Hello World: Have to start somewhere.- February 2, 2004 For the first real JLCA post I thought I would start off with everyone&8217;s favorite HelloWorld. Java-version: public class HelloWorld public final static String message = "World"; public static void main(String args) System.out.println("Hello: " + message); Quick pass through the JLCA (Within VS 2003; File&224;Open&224;Convert. Convert..http://blogs.msdn.com/tbright/archive/2004/02/02/66392.aspx |