A Sincere Welcome to Our Friends in The Czech Republic- April 24, 2006 Since posting the free download page of Easter Crisis on our website, we have noticed a surge in our online visitors, particularly from the Czech Republic. The main culprits of this traffic increase are these two websites; Hrej! and freegame.cz. Both are websites dedicated to taking computer gaming seriously, so we thank these sites for their enthusiasm, as well as all those users who have played the game and took the time to leave their comments. Although we did not understand everything, we...http://www.syntaxrebels.com/weblog/2006/04/sincere-welcome-to-our-friends-in.htm Easter Crisis Gets Its Own Download Page- April 12, 2006 You may be glad to know that Syntax Rebels' arcade puzzler Easter Crisis has been released today on our website as freeware. So what are you waiting for Just download and start playing, then come back to leave your comments.Link: http:syntaxrebels.comeastercrisishttp://www.syntaxrebels.com/weblog/2006/04/easter-crisis-gets-its-own-download.htm Wwwallpapering again- April 10, 2006 We have noticed that since Yahoo! changed their page format last week, the random news function in Wwwallpaper is not working. The good news is that we have solved the problem by gettimg our data from Yahoo!'s RSS feeds, practically preventing the problem from appearing again in the future when their page style is changed again.There is a new download of Wwwallpaper available on our website, versioned 1.1.0. If you are still having problems with pictures of Breakout appearing on your desktop,...http://www.syntaxrebels.com/weblog/2006/04/wwwallpapering-again.htm |