Anger Management NewsNews on Anger Management continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Disruptive Physicians Heighten Hospital Risks- July 2, 2008 Disruptive physicians - the kind who insult nurses, throw tantrums and toss scalpels around - have always been a problem for hospitals and their employees. But the threat is looming larger given new developments, such as mandates that call for greater physician-codernurse interaction on issues that aren't purely clinical (e.g., present on admission (POA) reporting, hospital-acquired conditions payment restrictions, Medicare-Severity DRGs) and the government's push to link quality and payment.... Executive CoachingAnger Management: Emotional Intelligence III- July 2, 2008 The real test of our ability to understand, respond to, and manage our emotions is the way we handle anger. Anger As Adversary- July 2, 2008 Virtually all my non-court-ordered clients with anger problems are attorneys whose continual irritability has disrupted their lives, including a few judges who fear that their anger at attorneys will unfairly ... |