The GoreletterArnzen's Weird NewsletterWhat A Limited Edition Looks Like- April 27, 2008 The book collector's website, Awful Books, has posted photographs of my limited edition novella, The Bitchfight, in the Bad Moon Books section of their gallery of collectable books. Here you can see what a great job the publisher did with... is changing hosts- April 22, 2008 I'm in the process of changing webhosts for the domain -- the ISP I have had for that site since 2001 is going out of business and that means moving to a new host. This shouldn't pose any major... Ragdoll Avalanche II- April 19, 2008 It's a dance with death! A simple idea, "executed" quite nicely beneath a rainstorm of blades. http:www.ragdollsoft.comragdollavalanche... Back Up- April 16, 2008 The server was temporarily down from 415-18. If you tried to contact me during that time and did not succeed, please try again. My ISP is changing hands, so it may be a bumpy ride over the next month... Goreletter 5.02 Mailed- April 3, 2008 The Goreletter Vol. 5, 2, with the title "Grim Henzen Productions" was mailed to subscribers on 02Apr2008 11:20 pm est. It contains extra material not available here on the weblog version, including a subscriber-only contest where you can win... |