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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for July 2007

The Linux Pimp

The Linux Pimp

xmms-itouch RPM for Fedora 7 - July 25, 2007

I compiled the xmms-itouch RPM earlier today for Fedora7, from the source RPM over at Dag Wieers. Even though there are quite a few newer audio players out there, such as Audacious and Amarok, I find myself always going to back XMMS. I think the main thing I really like about XMMS is how well is can handle very large playlists. I like the updated interface on Audacious, but it tends to choke when dealing with huge playlists. Anyhow, I have a Logitech Elite keyboard, and I like to make use of..

Fedora 7 X86_64 RPMs for Pidgin - July 25, 2007

I've compiled a Fedora 7 x86_64 RPM for Pidgin, which allows it to connect to the Openfire Jabber Server. Grab them if you need em: pidgin-2.0.2-4.x86_64.rpm and libpurple-2.0.2-4.x86_64.rpm

32-bit versus 64-bit: Benchmarking - July 18, 2007

I'm running a number of servers using the standard release of Fedora, and was curious as to how much performance gain I would get by switching them over to the x86_64 version. After Googling around a bit, I a found a nice PDF that does a benchmark comparison of Ubuntu under x86_64 and the 32-bit flavor, performed by Artyom Tonkikh. You can download it here. Conclusion: It does appear that the performance boost afforded by the 64 bit version would be noticeable under most applications. I was.
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