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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for March 2007

Thoughts Made Words

Todd Hoff's Weblog.

Spam is the New Role Playing Game - March 31, 2007

Spam is the New Role Playing GameSpammers must be getting out of work romance novelists to create spam. A lot of spam weaves wonderful little stories that invite you to play the lead role in an exciting other world. Often there is a comely damsel in distress and you are cast as the hero, if only you would open up your wallet and help. Not only will you get the willing damsel, but great riches await when you finally overcome your fear, climb the tower, kiss the princess, and collect your just...

You Can't Twitter at Relativistic Speeds - March 20, 2007

You Can't Twitter at Relativistic SpeedsTwitter is entraining the technorati on an unbreakable hedonic treadmill. The treadmill gorges itself on an infinite supply info mediated dopamine hits. Addiction, divorce, 12 steps, and the grief cycle are sure to follow . But what really should concern twitterites is their global stream-o-conscious will shatter once we travel in space at near light speed. Let's say you're accelerating towards Vulcan in your new Mercedes X Series Space Coup and you type.
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