Auburn NewsLocal news for Auburn, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Utica roads to undergo reconstruction this summer- May 31, 2008 Two heavily traveled Utica roads will receive a makeover this summer. But a benefit for the city may pose a headache for commuters. Correction- May 23, 2008 A Tuesday tour of the Mid-Michigan Children's Museum will bring in members of the Castle Museum of Saginaw County History. DDAs captured $2 million in taxes in 2007- May 9, 2008 Friday, May 09, 2008 Times Staff The Bay County Treasurer's Office reported Wednesday that downtown development authorities in Bay County captured $1.96 million in taxes in 2007, up about $109,000 from a year ... via Bay City Times Williams Twp Supervisor to seek reelection- May 1, 2008 "It has been an honor and privilege to represent the residents, businesses, and property owners of Williams Township the past eight years, and I look forward to continuing to represent and serve them as their Williams Township Supervisor." This news release from the campaign to elect Thomas Paige: Williams Township Supervisor Thomas W. Paige filed a nominating petition today for re-election to the position of Williams Township Supervisor. via NewsCenter 25 |