Wabasso NewsLocal news for Wabasso, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Robotic milking keeps family dairy farms viable- January 18, 2008 "The Canadians we've talked to absolutely love their robotic systems" "I manage an electronic machine instead of people." That comment by 34-year-old Nels Goblirsch of rural Wabasso relates precisely to their "why" of getting into robotic milking. via Landhttp://www.topix.net/city/wabasso-mn/2008/01/robotic-milking-keeps-family-dairy-farms-viab... Robotic milking lets you forget about the 5 o'clock alarm- January 8, 2008 "In traditional barns, those cows would be culled. So that's an immediate gain - a reduction in your culling rate. Obviously the longer you can keep a good cow in the milking lineup, the better the year-end summary." Though still in its infancy with Minnesota dairy farmers, robotic milking systems could definitely be the "next wave" of new technology that finds its way into the U.S. dairy industry. via Landhttp://www.topix.net/city/wabasso-mn/2008/01/robotic-milking-lets-you-forget-about-the-5-o... |