PicoContainer 1.0-alpha-2 is released- July 10, 2003 Changes: http:www.picocontainer.orgchanges-report.html Flamers: It's only 5 weeks old, so don't pick too many holes in it. Use our JIRA instead.http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/rinkrank/archives/000096_picocontainer_10alpha2_is_releas... I moved to Codehaus- July 10, 2003 I have been a hausmate for a while now, so I am moving as much as possible of my OSS projects to Codehaus. Then what's more natural than moving the blog too My old blogs were at freeroller and blog-city. Rest in peace.http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/rinkrank/archives/000093_i_moved_to_codehaus.html New job- July 10, 2003 I needed a more challenging job. So I started in ThoughtWorks UK a month ago. I'm glad I did.http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/rinkrank/archives/000091_new_job.html Simian : Refactoring detector- July 10, 2003 A couple of weeks ago a colleague at work pointed me to a tool called Simian (Similarity Analyser). It works very much in the same way as PMD's subproject CPD (Copy Paste Detector). I've written a Maven plugin for it. Have a look at a sample report. With a tool like this, you quickly see candidates for refactoring.http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/rinkrank/archives/000090_simian_refactoring_detector.html |