I HATE Lotus Notes- October 13, 2004 Today, all my email but a random 4 ones mysteriously disappeared from my Lotus Notes inbox. (No, the cat didn't eat it). If you hate notes like me (no, i said HATE), feel free to let it all out right here, right now. In your own language if it makes you feel better. Like this.http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/rinkrank/archives/000860_i_hate_lotus_notes.html Poor test coverage Send your code to Guantanamo!- October 2, 2004 Last year, right after joining ThoughtWorks, my colleague Chris Stevenson bounced off an idea to me during a Geek Night: "How about a tool that deletes all code that isn't tested". I am still not sure whether Chris was entirely serious or not, but it was an intriguing idea that I have been thinking about quite often since then. Now, the idea has been materialised in a new little tool in the Extreme XP Tools family: Guantanamo! Guantanamo is eating its own dog food, and as a result, it has..http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/rinkrank/archives/000844_poor_test_coverage_send_your_cod... |