Wag the Dog NewsNews on Wag the Dog continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Hoffman: Howard deserved to lose- November 28, 2007 "He suffered the same fate as the dude in Great Britain" THE war in Iraq was based on a lie pushed by politicians manipulating the grief of the 911 terror attacks and a more discerning public had punished outgoing-Prime Minister John Howard. via News.com.auhttp://www.topix.net/movies/wag-the-dog/2007/11/hoffman-howard-deserved-to-lose?fromrss=1 Role Launched Hoffman's Career- November 23, 2007 Dustin Hoffman's turn as Benjamin Braddock in The Graduate was a breakout role, and he was nominated for an Oscar. via National Public Radiohttp://www.topix.net/movies/wag-the-dog/2007/11/role-launched-hoffmans-career?fromrss=1 Shooting War- November 21, 2007 "There are two things I know to be true. There's no difference between good flan and bad flan, and there is no war" There's no difference between good flan and bad flan, and there is no war," so saith William H. Macy as CIA agent Charles Young in 1997's comedic satire Wag the Dog . via The Austin Chroniclehttp://www.topix.net/movies/wag-the-dog/2007/11/shooting-war?fromrss=1 |