Argentine NewsLocal news for Argentine, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Ford Fan Drives From Argentina To Dearborn- May 30, 2008 Diego Percivaldi drove his 27-year-old car almost 10,000 miles through 11 countries to see Ford Motor Co.'s headquarters on Thursday. Linden pays tribute on Memorial Day- May 29, 2008 There were misty eyes, salutes, and a B-25 flyover that took place during Monday's Memorial Day parade in Linden. Out There - Frameline fabulosity- May 27, 2008 Frameline Artistic Director Michael Lumpkin and Director of Programming Jennifer Morris sat down with Out There in their offices last week as they prepared to roll out Frameline 32, the SF International LGBT ... Argentinean Prelates Urge Dialogue to End Strike- May 25, 2008 BUENOS AIRES, MAY 19, 2008 .- The bishops of Argentina are urgently asking for an agreement between striking farmers and the government. |