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Feed items 1 - 10 of 13 for February 2004

Ted Ritzer: DRM 4$

Digital Rights Management as a means to a Emppowering Net Economy

(Untitled) - February 27, 2004

The Answer to Piracy: Five Bucks. Here's a bright idea from a digital rights group: Get music file sharers to pay $5 a month on top of their ISP fees to compensate the artists. Of course, the music industry hates it. Katie Dean reports from San Francisco. Wired News

(Untitled) - February 25, 2004

InfoWorld: Crypto stars sound off on e-voting, DRM. Speaking at the annual Cryptographers Panel on Tuesday, Ronald Rivest, co-creator of the RSA encryption algorithm, backed calls for paper ballots to supplement insecure electronic voting technology, while fellow luminaries Paul Kocher and Whitfield Diffie predicted heated battles between privacy advocates and intellectual property owners over the issue of digital rights management. Tomalak's Realm

(Untitled) - February 22, 2004

Weekend Reading. Jay Rosen: The Morals Squad at CJR's Campaign Desk. The Campaign Desk decided to police the Web on early release of exit polls. Triangulation was at work. The Desk wanted moral distance between itself and webloggers, so as to impress the traditional press. "We have standards, they don't. See...." But the action was fraught with anxiety, and there are reasons for that. Ed Cone: The medium is not the message in the John Edwards presidential campaign. But there is no sense here...

(Untitled) - February 13, 2004

Microsoft's Deal with Disney: Mouse Steps or Great Leap Forward DRM Watch - Analysis of Digital Rights Management Technology

Be Our Netalentine Vote for Still Running & Change Our Lives! - February 7, 2004

Be Our Netalentine- Vote for Still Running & Change Our Lives!!!   "Souls in Rhythm" band WE SUPER NEED YOUR HELP!!!! help us get a record deal, album produced and a music video!!!!     You can help us win the grand prize in Vibe 98.5's UNSIGNED VIBE contest! We are 1 of 5 finalists. The grand prize includes a record deal, a produced album, a music video for the first single and a national tour!!!   Beginning Monday Jan 17th, through to Feb. 13th - listeners can..

(Untitled) - February 7, 2004

The following article illustrates the crucial need for an effective DRM solution to stop the following madness: Record industry enforcer raids Kazaa offices, by Sam Varghese, Sydney Morning Herald. The premises of Brilliant Digital Entertainment and those of three universities - the University of Queensland, the University of New South Wales and Monash University - were among those raided. Among other premises raided were those of Akamai Technologies AAP, NTT Australia, Telstra Corporation...

(Untitled) - February 7, 2004

Open Mobile Alliance Announces Version 2.0 of DRM Standard DRM Watch - Analysis of Digital Rights Management Technology

(Untitled) - February 7, 2004

from Anita Campbell's blog: BitPass Micropayments User Survey  This post is a slight departure from our usual format here at Small Business Trends. I&146;m taking a few moments to describe our experience using the BitPass micropayments system.From time to time we post photographs on this site to relieve some of the visual monotony that comes from having so many words on a page. Most of the images come from They were purchased using a BitPass micropayments account. Our...

(Untitled) - February 6, 2004

Apple selling DRM'ed silence at $0.99 a pop. As the Apple Turns has compiled a playlist of silent tracks available as DRM-restricted files from the iTunes Music Store. Yesterday we mentioned in passing that faithful viewer djsteve had purchased a track that cost him the "best 99 cents he'd ever spent." The joke, of course, was that it was the second track from The Whitey Album by Ciccone Youth, which consists of a minute and three seconds' worth of silence. To tell you the truth, while we're...

(Untitled) - February 3, 2004

digital economy. The NYT has interesting perspective today about the new division of power between classical media "moguls" and entrepreneurs of the digital economy (read the stars of the '80s computer boom). "The collapse last Thursday of the Disney- Pixar negotiations over a new distribution agreement appears to have been a clash of egos and business interests. But it was also very much a sign of the changing balance of power between the conventional media giants and the entrepreneurs...
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