unsolicitedDaveThe weblog of David JeskeThree cheers for phone number portability!- February 23, 2004 I've been a long-time Cingular subscriber in San Francisco, CA. I recently decided I wanted a Nokia 6610, and while the phone is supported on the Cingular network, they don't sell it. I dropped into the TMobile store to see...http://www.radwin.org/jeske/2004/02/three_cheers_for_phone_number_po.html 100% pure java I'd rather 100% viable Java.- February 20, 2004 In the Feburary 2004 issue of Java Developer's Journal, Joe Ottinger makes a soft case for Java staying pure and against SWT. Whenever I see an article supporting the 100% pure Java mindset, I softly whisper to myself 'you just...http://www.radwin.org/jeske/2004/02/100_pure_java_id_rather_100_viab.html |