Truth or Consequences NewsLocal news for Truth or Consequences, NM continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Friedman: American energy policy is going to require some hard truths, and $4 gas- May 31, 2008 Photo by Jacob Enos . Licensed under Creative Commons license 2.0 . Now that the hub-bub over the gas tax holiday has pretty much passed from the commentary pages , there is a bit of room to take a step back ... Truth or Consequences- May 29, 2008 Imagine for a minute, just a minute, that someone running for president was able to actually tell the truth, the real truth, to the American people about what would be the best - I mean really the best - energy ... Military Update: Staff Sgt. Cassandra J. Locke- May 27, 2008 Air Force Staff Sgt. Cassandra J. Locke has been decorated with the Air Force Commendation Medal for participating in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. T or C man heads to court to face charges linked to eighth drunken...- May 25, 2008 A Truth or Consequences man is scheduled to be arraigned Thursday in District Court for his eighth drunken driving arrest. State to have undercover officers at Elephant Butte for holiday- May 23, 2008 The Department of Public Safety says officers from its special investigations division will be in plainclothes -- maybe even in swim suits -- at the beaches of Elephant Butte Lake this Memorial Day weekend. Gas Prices Affect Recreational Vehicle Travelers- May 23, 2008 Sales appear to be pretty good at United RV Sales in Las Cruces, but two different RV owners said they're having a difficult time putting theirs on the road. U.S. House Republicans Our choice: Greer- May 21, 2008 In a five-way race in the GOP primary for U.S. Congressional District 2, the Sun-News endorses C. Earl Greer of Truth or Consequences. |