Warrenton NewsLocal news for Warrenton, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.A thank you to veterans- May 30, 2008 Julie Yost believes it's important for her family to recognize heroes such as military members, firefighters and police officers.http://www.topix.net/city/warrenton-mo/2008/05/a-thank-you-to-veterans?fromrss=1 DefenseLink News Article: Face of Defense: Mother, Son Prepare to Deploy to Kosovo Together- May 18, 2008 "I want to be there for the big things and the little things. Devlin says he understands. He said that I was there for his basic training graduation, and that meant more to him than anything." Many mothers sit at home and wonder what their deployed son or daughter is doing, hoping everything is all right and waiting for the next phone call. via Department of Defense Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/warrenton-mo/2008/05/defenselink-news-article-face-of-defense-mo... |