Stockton NewsLocal news for Stockton, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.VFW members salute fallen comrades- May 31, 2008 Posted Wed., May 28, 2008 Stockton VFW Post 5525 and auxiliary members performed Memorial Day ceremonies Monday, May 26, at eight Cedar County cemeteries and the Stockton Nursing Home. Stockton R-1 may nix field trips- May 29, 2008 Posted Mon., May 26, 2008 Stockton R-1 School District students may not be visiting many museums or historic sites next year with their classmates if gasoline and diesel prices do not come down. Man killed in Cedar County crash- May 27, 2008 An El Dorado Springs man was killed this afternoon in a two-vehicle crash, representing the 44th fatality this year for Troop D in southwest Missouri. Collins Dedicates Storm Shelter- May 25, 2008 Another Ozarks community is trying to get ahead of the storm. The village of Collins dedicated its new community storm shelter this afternoon. Water coalition considers options- May 21, 2008 Getting reallocated water from Stockton and Table Rock lakes to benefit Southwest Missouri might be more difficult than first envisioned, members of the executive committee of the Tri-State Water Resource ... Squeeze Inn- May 10, 2008 We don't want to start a fight here, but the best burger in Sacramento just might be the "Squeeze with Cheese." For the uninitiated, that's a Squeeze Burger with a big slab of cheese from the Squeeze Inn, an ... via AOL City Guide New group opens door to athletic opportunities for disabled people- May 8, 2008 "We have sons with disabilities so we know what its like for them not to be involved in most school activities or athletic sports so that's how we came up with the idea so that kids and adults with disabilities can have some fun" A new athletic organization has popped up in southwestern Missouri called Challengers United. via Nevada Daily MailSunday Nevada Herald Community members say some things not same in Stockton- May 6, 2008 "We were so overwhelmed and traumatized" STOCKTON, Mo. - For those who lived in this quiet, country town in southcentral Cedar County, May 4, 2003, is a reference point, a way to mark time, like A.D. or B.C. "I tell people - if they want to see ... via Joplin Globe |