Arizona City NewsLocal news for Arizona City, AZ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Arizona City To Build Medieval Moat To Stave Off Illegals Illegal Mexicans- March 15, 2008 "It's innovative thinking. It doesn't take much brainpower to build a 12-foot high fence around something, but this is unique." Since George W. Bush and the Congress never agreed on a plan to Keep The Mexicans Out, desperate alien colonies in the Southwest are resorting to time-tested strategies to save their jobs. via Wonkette Arizona City Wants Moat to Secure Mexico Border- March 13, 2008 "It's in the United States, but it's become a no-man's-land, an area where bodies were dumped, where people and drugs were smuggled over the border" Most plans to gain control of the porous U.S.-Mexico border focus on some combination of fence. via News Max City manager gets 3.82% raise- March 3, 2008 "The real driving factor is the city manager and his financial team have pointed out on many occasions that we are in a tight budget year" Engineering dean doesn't get provost post in Arizona City manager gets 3.82% raise By Cindy Swirko AND MEGAN ROLLAND Sun staff writers City Commissioner Jack Donovan recommended a 12 percent raise for City ... via Gainesville.com |