Ash Fork NewsLocal news for Ash Fork, AZ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Book details Ash Fork's history- February 24, 2008 "He said, 'It's their property and they can do whatever they want,'" Book details Ash Fork's history February 23, 2008 Using the recent release of Marshall Trimble's "Images of America: Ash Fork" by Arcadia Publishing as a jumping-off point, the Prescott Daily Courier also does ... via Route 66 News Pipeline project cookin' with gasDespite much opposition, planned route on city's north side a go- February 22, 2008 "We were served the same condemnation papers as everyone else" Rumors that the Pinal County portion of an unpopular pipeline route would get a rehearing proved to be just that - rumors. via Casa Grande Dispatch Cowboy strikes a historical note- February 10, 2008 "I finally succeeded at something I never dreamed would happen." Storyteller and novelist, he keeps Old West alive Anne Ryman The Arizona Republic Feb. via Arizona Republic Ash Fork Woman Dies In House Fire- February 7, 2008 An Ash Fork woman died in a house fire that may have started when her husband tried to keep kitchen pipes from freezing by leaving a candle burning under the sink. via KPHO-TV Phoenix |