Stevensville NewsLocal news for Stevensville, MT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Nonprofit - Benefit to help girl with kidney failure- February 26, 2008 Katelyn Atkinson, 12, from Stevensville, has developed kidney failure. She was admitted to Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle on Nov. via Missoulian The Way we were: 1940- February 24, 2008 Photograph courtesy of Maxine Searles Irene Hightower and her sister Maxine Hightower milk newborn lambs in 1940 at their grandfather's farm near Stevensville. via Missoulian Governor awards six Helenans with medals of valor- February 20, 2008 "I didn't think twice about it" George Lane, IR staff photographer - Helena was well represented at the 2006 Governor's Medal of Valor awards ceremony. via Independent Record |