Thompson Falls NewsLocal news for Thompson Falls, MT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Paul Clark seeks Democrats' support for state senate seat- April 18, 2008 "I've gotten bills passed that were real important for kids, protecting kids from physical and sexual abuse." He said he hopes to focus on issues relating to public land access, small business growth, affordable health care, youth and children, energy efficiency, fish and wildlife, and protecting rights guaranteed ... via The Clark Fork Chronicle Legal Notices for April 3, 2008- April 5, 2008 Notice to Creditors TOWN OF SUPERIOR PUBLIC HEARING EWONIUK MINOR, APRIL 14, 2008, 7:30 P.M. MINERAL COUNTY PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 21, 2008 THOMPSON FALLS TV BOARD St. via The Clark Fork Chronicle Lewis A. Savik- April 2, 2008 Lewis A. Savik, 97, of Great Falls, a former Bynum and Vaughn-area rancher and cattleman, died of natural causes Saturday at a Great Falls care facility. via Great Falls Tribune |