Bainbridge NewsLocal news for Bainbridge, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.8-year-old dances onto PBS- June 19, 2008 ONEONTA _ Mira Shuler is stepping into a year of intense dance activities. The 8-year-old Bainbridge girl is rehearsing and dancing in Christmas Memories,'' a PBS project being filmed in Baltimore this week. Bill aims to regulate pet owners- June 17, 2008 Though the problems with puppy mills are well-known, some local residents contacted Monday said they were opposed to a bill scheduled to go before the Assembly Agriculture Committee today. Step Back in Time- June 4, 2008 SIDNEY _ Thomas K. Finletter, former secretary of the Air Force, will be one of the dignitaries participating in a special Civil Defense ceremony in honor of Scintilla Division, Bendix Aviation Corporation, ... Ames man gets maximum in death of Bainbridge teen- June 2, 2008 Pleaded guilty in '07 I-88 death &bylineBy Tom Grace Cooperstown News Bureau ONEONTA _ In an emotional session of Otsego County Court held in Oneonta on Friday, Joseph F. Parsons III was sentenced to 71 2-to-15 ... |