Vaughn NewsLocal news for Vaughn, WA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Nominees named for KP Citizen of the Year- February 28, 2008 The 24th annual Key Peninsula Citizen of the Year awards dinner will be held at 6 p.m. March 22 at the Key Peninsula Civic Center in Vaughn. via The Peninsula Gateway Cootiettes still going strong- February 13, 2008 "We have a lot of fun together" Charlene Hagland of Lake Holiday and fellow Cootiette Nat Know serve birthday cake to residents of Gig Harbor Manor Care earlier this month. via The Peninsula Gateway 'Piglet Book' targets wasteful state spending- February 1, 2008 "The community request projects that we get are generally those that have strong local, private and other funding support. Typically, the state piece of it is the smallest piece and has to be associated with a definitive part of the project." A conservative think tank took aim at what it labels wasteful state spending Wednesday, releasing the first-ever Washington State Piglet Book at an Olympia press conference. via Bellingham Herald |