Tumtum NewsLocal news for Tumtum, WA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Report of car into Red Lake near Tumtum- July 10, 2008 TUMTUM, Wash.- Right now Washington State Patrol is responding to reports of a car into Red Lake near Tumtum.http://www.topix.net/city/tumtum-wa/2008/07/report-of-car-into-red-lake-near-tumtum?fromrs... Vehicle goes into Red Lake near TumTum, police investigating- July 9, 2008 Police say a truck pulled from Red Lake Tuesday morning has been identified as a truck reported stolen hours after it crashed into the water along Highway 291.http://www.topix.net/city/tumtum-wa/2008/07/vehicle-goes-into-red-lake-near-tumtum-police-... |