Austin NewsLocal news for Austin, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Christianity Established as the National Religion of the United States of America- December 16, 2007 On Tuesday December 11, 2007 The US House of Representatives passed House Resolution 847: Recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian Faith. This bold and blatant disregard for the First Amendment met with little opposition in the Democratic controlled House and passed virtually unreported by the mainstream media. According to the website The bill was sponsored by 60 members of the US House of Representatives, 59 of which were Republican members of the House with.. Grace Episcopal nominated for spot on National Register- December 6, 2007 Grace Episcopal nominated for spot on National Register Brian Hineline 06.DEC.07 A church that has been part of downtown Honesdale's landscape for more than 150 years is being considered for federal recognition ... via The Weekly Almanac |