Apollo 11 NewsNews on Apollo 11 continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.So what is the right stuff- April 23, 2008 "What we are looking for is people able to work in a team" The European Space Agency is doing its first major trawl for recruits for more than a decade. via BBChttp://www.topix.net/movies/apollo-11/2008/04/so-what-is-the-right-stuff?fromrss=1 Moon walker now on different flight- April 1, 2008 Moon-walker Buzz Aldrin discusses alcoholism, depression At age 78, Buzz Aldrin has the posture of a military man and can talk at length about his experience with fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong as the first ... via The Miami Heraldhttp://www.topix.net/movies/apollo-11/2008/03/moon-walker-now-on-different-flight?fromrss=... |