Apollo 13 NewsNews on Apollo 13 continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Apollo 13 Takes Off at the Academy- April 30, 2008 The 1995 Best Picture nominee "Apollo 13" will be the next film screened as part of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' ongoing "Great To Be Nominated" series. via WebWirehttp://www.topix.net/movies/apollo-13/2008/04/apollo-13-takes-off-at-the-academy?fromrss=1 Astronaut hero sees brighter future for North Chicago- April 25, 2008 "We're bringing together leadership within and outside of the city for networking, which builds relationships and trust and creates the framework for revitalization to occur" If three astronauts can survive the perils of an aborted flight to the moon, the city of North Chicago can revitalize its economy and bring home a brighter future. via News Sunhttp://www.topix.net/movies/apollo-13/2008/04/astronaut-hero-sees-brighter-future-for-nort... What I Learned this week from conferences- April 17, 2008 "How can you help us with our problems." It's the conference season again. I spoke at the PMI Denver Symposium , went to 3 days of the Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, I'm speaking next week at the Lean conference here in Denver , and ending the ... via Herding Catshttp://www.topix.net/movies/apollo-13/2008/04/what-i-learned-this-week-from-conferences?fr... Houston, we have a problem- April 15, 2008 For those of you old enough to remember, it was 38 years ago tonight that those famous words were uttered. via W2LJ's Bloghttp://www.topix.net/movies/apollo-13/2008/04/houston-we-have-a-problem?fromrss=1 Hollywood hunts for first man on Moon- April 13, 2008 "The closer he got to the Moon, the further away he became from his family" Producers search for a talent big enough to fill Neil Armstrong's boots in film of astronaut's life Robin McKie and David Smith Sunday April 13, 2008 The Observer It was one small step for man but could be one ... via Guardian Unlimitedhttp://www.topix.net/movies/apollo-13/2008/04/hollywood-hunts-for-first-man-on-moon?fromrs... Apollo 13 heroes in Denver Friday- April 10, 2008 "There, we learned he diffrence between "I" Legendary Apollo 13 heroes Jim Lovell & Gene Kranz will speak in Denver this Friday, on the 38th anniversary of the launch of a mission immortalized in American space history... They are here for the 10th ... via 9NEWShttp://www.topix.net/movies/apollo-13/2008/04/apollo-13-heroes-in-denver-friday?fromrss=1 |