Aspen NewsLocal news for Aspen, CO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Frontier appears to spur new business in Aspen- July 11, 2008 Frontier Airline's new Lynx service captured 27 percent of the business at Aspen-Pitkin County Airport in June, but didn't appear to steal passengers from United Express, the biggest carrier in the market. CORE to Aspenites: C'mon, don't be plastic people- July 10, 2008 Aspen is currently being thrashed - and generally out-greened - by one of its southerly neighbors. Aspen: Fishing about to heat up- July 10, 2008 Area flyshops have begun putting boats back on the water and the trout are hungry. Aspen set for Sunday booze sales- July 10, 2008 Aspen's purveyors of liquor will open their doors on Sundays, starting this weekend, for the first time since the waning days of prohibition. Aspen Ideas Quotes of Note- July 10, 2008 Let the suffering begin "Global warming is a misnomer. What we are experiencing is - global climatic disruption.' "That disruption is growing more rapidly than the scientific consensus was recently predicting. Aspen bag challenge not over yet- July 9, 2008 The AspenTelluride Challenge, aimed at promoting reusable shopping bags, has been extended through Labor Day weekend. Teens struck by lightning near Aspen are recovering- July 9, 2008 Two teens injured after a lightning strike near Aspen while they were hiking with their family are out of the hospital. DA struggles with upvalley cases- July 9, 2008 A short-staffed district attorney's office made for some courtroom confusion in Aspen on Monday. Aspen: New bridge is ready- July 9, 2008 After three years and $14 million of construction, the new Maroon Creek Bridge is finally ready to open. Aspen braces for economic do...- July 8, 2008 City officials are battening down the hatches on government spending in order to weather the economic storm that's expected to hit Aspen in the near future. |