The Ice Storm NewsNews on The Ice Storm continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.An actress in her prime- April 30, 2008 "I admire him. He invented these 3-D cameras, operated them on almost every shot." Sigourney Weaver credits her success to being willing to take on different types of roles. via National Post Christina Ricci, the remake- April 27, 2008 "I stopped at the pharmacy on the way here and I wasn't very careful getting out of my car. I just didn't think. But this dress is so short I'm pretty certain there's going to be some crotch shots. At least" The anorexia, the self-harm, the downright weird statements about incest Christina Ricci freely admits that she was one mixed-up kid. via Katie Holmes Screensaver2- April 14, 2008 Katie Holmes Screensaver2 description This screensaver will display numerous high-quality pictures of the lovely Katie Holmes. via Softpedia Let's hear it for Sigourney- April 11, 2008 Let's hear it for Sigourney By By Alan Smithee Cox News Service Q Since recently signing a contract with one of the DVD rental companies, I have been using it to better myself and my film knowledge. via Dayton Daily News |