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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for May 2004

The Sturgeon

Information is a state between chaos and entropy

RSS gains ground in Germany - May 14, 2004

More and more traditional news media offer their news and articles as RSS-Feeds. Especially in the English-speaking part of the world almost all major news resources can be syndicated using RSS. In Germany the situation is far less comfortable. Most of the major german newspapers e.g. do not offer their services via RSS. But the situation is improving. A growing number of news sources have started providing RSS-Feeds, some even in different languages. Unfortunately the RSS-Feeds are often...

(Untitled) - May 13, 2004

Search Engine Watch: &187;Google has added new mailing list creation functionality to its Google Groups service, giving it a capability that competes directly with the Yahoo Groups service.&171;

(Untitled) - May 12, 2004

German president Johannes Rau: &187;Egoism, greed and a demanding mentality among parts of the so-called elite weaken trust in the institutions, when their representatives apparently lose all standards&171;

(Untitled) - May 12, 2004

SHELDUS (Spatial Hazard Events and Losses Database for the United States) &187;is a county-level hazard data set for the U.S. for 18 different natural hazard events types such thunderstorms, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and tornados.  The database covers the period from 1960-2000.&171;

(Untitled) - May 11, 2004 is an excellent search engine for scientific information.
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