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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for May 2004

The Sturgeon

Information is a state between chaos and entropy

(Untitled) - May 31, 2004

Deutsche Welle: Germany's parliament rejected a plan to put the draft of the EU Constitution up for a public referendum, sending a strong message to other countries two weeks before EU leaders are to adopt the treaty. I don't know exactly what this strong message should be, but I don't think it's a good one. Europe and democracy doesn't seem to match.

(Untitled) - May 25, 2004

I just read Loretta Napoleonis "Modern Jihad: Tracing the Dollars Behind the Terror Networks". This is an excellent economic analysis of the Global Terrorism and shows the developing Economy of Terror, that is starting to undermine the regular economy.

(Untitled) - May 25, 2004

James Lovelock: Nuclear power is the only green solution. "We have no time to experiment with visionary energy sources; civilisation is in imminent danger". Jomes Lovelock is an independent scientist and the creator of the Gaia hypothesis of the Earth as a self-regulating organism.

(Untitled) - May 25, 2004

The writings of Charles Darwin: "The most complete collection of Darwin's work ever published-with original page numbers, illustrations etc."Lots of links, lots of information. Especially for the poor people who are not allowed to read this in school anymore. Via Kosmonautentraum.

(Untitled) - May 25, 2004

David Shea: What is RSSXMLATOMSyndication

(Untitled) - May 25, 2004

I got some email and comments regarding the german RSS-feeds. I have added some new links and put a permanent link to the list on the right side.

(Untitled) - May 19, 2004

Curious About Astronmy Ask an Astronomer. Nicely done astronomy site to ask questions and get answers about space. Fundsachen

(Untitled) - May 19, 2004

New Scientist: First amateur rocket blasts into space. &187;An amateur rocket called GoFast has made history by becoming the first such rocket to reach 100 kilometres altitude - the official edge of space. The seven-metre-tall rocket was launched from Nevada's Black Rock Desert on Monday carrying a ham radio avionics package which broadcasted position and altitude data during its ascent.&171;

Toll Collection that works - May 16, 2004

You have propably heard about the desaster with the german Toll Collect system. A consortium lead by Deutsche Telekom and Daimler-Chrysler spend approximately 2 billion Euro to develop a highly sofisticated toll-collection system for heavy goods vehicles that use our Autobahn network. It uses GPS, GPRS, GSM, OBUs and all kinds of other Three Letter Abbreviations. The problem: It does not work. Now three 18-year old students from Bremen (André Kreis, Tim Gosche and Helge Stobrawe)...

(Untitled) - May 16, 2004

Fundsachen: The Bibliography of Dendrochronology celebrates 10000 references.
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