Aurora NewsLocal news for Aurora, SD continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.You Know You're A Redneck When...- June 30, 2008 Even if I were to live down to that mock driver's license photo I doubt if I could conjure up a redneck period like the one I've been experiencing lately. Stricherz running for District 8 seat- June 28, 2008 Patricia Stricherz of rural Dell Rapids has announced her candidacy for District 8 House of Representatives. Aurora driver falls asleep, hits tree- June 26, 2008 An Aurora man suffered minor injuries in a single-vehicle crash between Brookings and Aurora Monday evening. Clearing landscape for cottage- June 15, 2008 BROOKINGS - The branches of the 90-foot ash tree bobbed and weaved in the heavy wind while eight arborticulture students rigged up a pulley system lashing the big tree to a smaller tree across the yard of ... Barn burns to ground near city- June 13, 2008 Firefighters were on the scene within minutes, but in that short time a fire in a barn south of town had fully engulfed the structure. My Les Paul Special- June 11, 2008 Posted by: Doug Lund - 06102008 12:00 AM Les Paul turned 93 this week. I'm guessing a lot of you..especially those of you under 40..haven't the remotest idea of who Les Paul is. |