Aurora NewsLocal news for Aurora, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Flying Finns- January 31, 2008 Following an interview about the "Flying Finns'' of Embarrass, these men gathered for a photograph. via Mesabi Daily News Adult Day Services provides social...- January 27, 2008 "I like to come here Tuesdays and Wednesdays" The folks who participate in Adult Day Services in Virginia are not put to work. via Mesabi Daily News Different Environment- January 13, 2008 "I'm having a fight with my friend." It has the same issues of behavior, absenteeism and paperwork as a regular public school, but half a year into the new charter school, the directors are pleased that enrollment has exceeded expectations. via Mesabi Daily News a Terrible Lifelong Violation- January 11, 2008 Being a victim of criminal sexual conduct still haunts a 17-year-old area girl to this day. via Mesabi Daily News Klobuchar wants to see more detail...- January 7, 2008 "You can't do everything overnight. "Last year was a down payment on change" While generally supportive of Iron Range economic development projects, U.S. Sen. via Mesabi Daily News Oberstar announces grants for northeastern Minnesota ommunities- January 5, 2008 "We were able to set it up as a demonstration program to show how local communities can benefit from federal help for water and sewer programs. It encourages growth and economic development and keeps local property taxes down." Six communities in Northeast Minnesota have been awarded over $1.8 million to make critical improvements to drinking water and sewer systems. via Business North Preserving ethnic traditions- January 2, 2008 "I think you gain a lot of importance and identity in your heritage." When it came to continuing a tradition, attendees at a recent workshop at Ironworld jumped in feet first. via Hibbing Daily Tribune |