Aurora NewsLocal news for Aurora, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.A Model Lesson- May 29, 2008 Reprinted with permission from "Along the Maggid's Journey", Published by Mesorah Publications, Ltd. Tri-State Officer Faces Charges- May 27, 2008 Last Update: 525 10:22 pm Jared Dausch Mug Shot Megan Wasmund Kerry Duke An Aurora police officer is in trouble with the law. Aurora, Indiana Officer Arrested- May 26, 2008 A police officer finds himself on the other side of the law this weekend. Aurora, Indiana Officer Jared Dausch is charged with beating two women and driving drunk. Gaffs have connection to Sayler Park, river- May 17, 2008 The Gaffs of Aurora, Ind., came from humble beginnings in Scotland and became the biggest beer and whiskey distillers in the United States. via Northeast Suburban Life |