Arkansas City NewsLocal news for Arkansas City, KS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.City band sets finale- July 11, 2008 Tonight will mark the first of three concerts in eight days that will conclude the 137th season of the Arkansas City Municipal Band. Boy found safe in Ark City after reporting abduction- July 10, 2008 A Winfield boy is back with his family after being abducted from his back yard Wednesday afternoon, according to a press release from the Winfield Police Department. Sanderholm Family Witnesses Jodi's Law Signing- July 10, 2008 Kansas' Jodi's Law has already been used three times and it's been on the books for less than two weeks. Leach makes run for Senate- July 10, 2008 His opponent is well known, having served on the Kansas Board of Education for 13 years. Top cops in school- July 10, 2008 School resource officers Cpl. Anthony Salas, Sgt. Kevyn Ternes and patrolman Dan Huntley spend many hours in the schools each week with the students and the staff. A week's worth of funivity- July 9, 2008 Funivity Fusion is a new program the staff of the Arkansas City Area Arts Center presented this week. Couple gets July 4th surprise- July 9, 2008 Elisha Ybarra got an unexpected Fourth of July surprise and it had nothing to do with fireworks. Ark City celebrates the rockets' red glare- July 8, 2008 The citizens of Arkansas City were delighted by the city's 4th of July fireworks display Friday, thanks to event chairman Det. County seeks grant to update 911 plan- July 5, 2008 The Cowley County Commission this morning approved a grant application request to the state of Kansas to update the 911 emergency call systems in Winfield and Arkansas City. Police reach fireworks funding goal- July 5, 2008 In June, there was some concern over whether the Fraternal Order of Police in Arkansas City would be able to meet their donations goal for the annual July 4 Fireworks Show. |