Arkport NewsLocal news for Arkport, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Concert bands could draw 1,000- March 31, 2008 "We've almost booked up the Radisson Hotel for the week. We figure the audience will come from a 30- to 40-mile radius. Everybody's got to eat, so it will have quite an impact on the economy." Concert bands could draw 1,000 Corning convention next week will feature free performances. via Star-Gazette.COM High Grain Prices Good News for Farmers- March 29, 2008 "We need to take the blinders off and look at the total picture -- whether we're looking at wind, solar, biomass -- we have to wean ourselves from the petroleum industry" Southern Tier farmers are learning more about using alternative energy on their farms. via WENY Five arrested in underage alcohol sales crackdown in Steuben- March 18, 2008 Five arrested in underage alcohol sales crackdown in Steuben March 17, 2008 An underage drinking initiative conducted Saturday resulted in five arrests in Steuben County, New York State Police reported today. via Star-Gazette.COM |